Greetings! We hope you all had a fabulous holiday week. We did. We also had a fabulous time in New Mexico. Shows were great, and we were especially excited to play in the town of Red River for the first time. It was a special experience, and we may be heading there in March to play again at the Red River Brewing Company! The best part, really, was spending time recording in the hallowed halls of Frogville Studios. We have a new album well underway, featuring the talents of Josh Raymer on drums and Troy Robey on Bass. We also did a live recording session – an entire performance, for an audience, in the studio – which we’ll be releasing tracks and video from pretty soon. We hope we’ll have those to share with you before our next tour, which is to our favorite haunts on the East Coast. Dates are posted below – come on out or tell your friends or both!