After spending a restive week in David’s hometown in Waterford, Va, we’re back home, finishing the artwork for our new cd, writing new songs, and enjoying the warm spell that this Colorado winter is providing. Here’s our video of the song David wrote about the town he grew up in. This song will be on our new album, which is due out in January!
And here’s a picture Enion took this summer – to remind you of the warmth that was and that is yet to come. . It’s one of her favorite flowers – the Prickly Poppy.
This weekend, Dec 5 and 6, we’re engaged in some extracurricular activities. There’s a wonderful woman named Theresa Kratzer, who has been a fan, friend and confidante of our dear friends in the band Elephant Revival for many years. We are privileged to have gotten to know her over the last few years as well. Theresa is deeply engaged with cancer right now, and on top of it all is facing monstrous medical expenses. (Why do the people already facing the most difficult physical challenges get saddled with the largest financial challenges…that’s a topic for another time.) On Dec 5, members of Elephant Revival, Taarka, Gypsy Moon, and other favorite musicians of Theresa’s are coming together to raise money and raise spirit for her benefit. It’s at ETown hall in Boulder. Won’t you join us?
On Saturday, Dec 6, members of Taarka and Elephant Revival come together to form the Big Little Band, a transcendent collaboration that we all have a great deal of fun with. This special show will be at the Stage Stop in Rollinsville, CO.
Big Little plans to play a lot more in 2015, so keep an eye out for this special side project.